Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 20-Mar-2024
Last Updated: 20-Mar-2024

What are cookies?
How do we use cookies?
Types of Cookies we use
Manage cookie preferences
Cookie Settings

You can change your cookie preferences any time by clicking the above button. This will let you revisit the cookie consent banner and change your preferences or withdraw your consent right away.

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. Listed below are the links to the support documents on how to manage and delete cookies from the major web browsers.

Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050

Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-in/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox?redirectslug=delete-cookies-remove-info-websites-stored&redirectlocale=en-US

Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer-bca9446f-d873-78de-77ba-d42645fa52fc

If you are using any other web browser, please visit your browser’s official support documents.

In merito all'obbligo di pubblicazione di cui al comma 125 della L124/2017, si segnala che la società ha ricevuto garanzia dalla Banca del Mezzogiorno MedioCredito Centrale SpA, per un importo nominale di finanziamento Covid pari a 30.000 euro di cui al DL 23 del 08/04/2020.
Inoltre, la società ha ricevuto nel 2020 i seguenti aiuti: euro 14.292 contributo a fondo perduto ex DL 34/2020 art 25; euro 2.400 credito d'imposta locazioni ex DL 34/2020 art 28 e nel 2022 i seguenti: euro 3.090,66 Esonero contributi previdenziali ex art. 3 DL 104/102; euro 5.347,93 Fondo di garanzia Lg. 662/96; euro 158,42 Credito d'imposta Energia DL Aiuti 50/2022, 115/2022 e 144/2022.